We Remove Stains and Protect Glass and Tiles Surfaces

What Causes Water Spots on Windows?

Before you learn how to remove hard water spots, consider why they have developed in the first place. Water spots form when mineral-laden water is left to dry rather than being wiped off the glass. As the water evaporates, minerals are left behind.

While rainwater can cause spots to form on windows, other causes are more likely to blame. Is a water sprinkler spraying the windows or are you washing your windows with a hose? In some places tap water has high mineral content upto 140-180 Parts per million(PPM) or bore water 300-500PPM. That's why we clean your windows with deionized water at 0PPM. Are your gutters leaking rain from the roof onto the glass? Address these problems, and you might just put a stop to water spots.

Some windows come with factory-applied treatments to help prevent water spots. If yours lack this feature, you can apply a glass sealant, or rain repellent product to the windows. These treatments allow rain water to roll off the glass instead of beading up on the surface, reducing the formation of hard water spots. Some products we recommend are Enduroshield and Nanokote.

Water Stain Home Glass & Tile Services

We remove Hard water spots by cutting into the glass with a chemical similar to cerium oxide, then we apply a coating to prevent further damage, there is a few options. We will always spot check and give you options upfront with what is best for your property, for example sometimes it's cheaper to replace then repair.